3DWorld (194/293)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:24 Apr 2000 at 23:22:26
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

On 24-Apr-00, Andreas Hippauf wrote:

> I am not a hardware-guy or hardcore-coder, but I had your problems here
> to on my cybervision-64-3D. As this got only 4 MB total memory on the
> graphicscard, it might be, that there is no big enough piece of memory
> left in one unit, or how should this be explained. Nevertheless, like I
> said, I had this problem some time ago and got rid of it with the
> solution I told you. When it does not help you, we might start checking
> your ENV:-Vars. Please use Tim Hanssons little programm
> getwarpvars and tell us its output. This might be really usefull for
> error detection. Perhaps hyperion wants to link it on their webpage,
> too? It seems to be very usefull for bug-reports. (Dont get me wrong, I
> dont expect too many bugs in hereticII but for betatesting of future
> titles!)

The problem was solved when I was able to use the BvisionPPC monitor file.
Thanks anyway :)


Robert Kihl